July 5, 2011

The Decision Has Been Made!

We're finally at a point where we have clear direction (PTL!).  Neither of us have reservations about moving forward with ANLC, so we're planning to send in the paperwork ASAP.  Time permitting, we'll hopefully complete everything and get it in the mail before we leave for Boston on Friday.  We feel really good about this decision.  Additionally, we met with our doctor this morning about embryo adoption as well.  She was very encouraging about the process overall but specifically with me too.  I was a little apprehensive about this at first b/c I'm still a bit shaken up over our previous miscarriage earlier this year.  But we went through my charts together and she reassured me that i always produce optimal results to the meds and that my body is perfectly able to sustain a pregnancy (despite our first failure).  I think I just really needed to hear that from her to make me feel comfortable moving forward with embryo adoption.  So after meeting with her and discussing it in further detail during the car ride home, we agreed to put our names on as many nation-wide embryo donation lists as possible (recommended by Dr. Usadi) in tandem with moving forward with ANLC.  The process of embryo adoption will take some time (a year or 2 is not at all uncommon), so we figured it would be pretty safe to invest in both outlets at the same time.

So, the time has finally come, and away we go . . .

1 comment:

Lisa said...

This is so exciting! I can't wait to see how God grows your family. Let us know if we can be of any help.
Lisa & Jake