June 24, 2011

A Continued Hope & Renewed Excitement!

We've had 2 very successful meetings with ANLC and I dare say we are finally at the point of commitment!  This is no small thing as it has taken us a VERY long time to get to this point.  So to be able to say with 99.9% confidence that we have found our liason towards bringing a baby home is freakin' amazing!  We've scheduled 1 more meeting with them to discuss the financing program and I believe that once that meeting is over, we'll have all we need to move forward.  The process is so easy it's ridiculous really.  The weeks to follow will be a whirlwind for sure.  Once we mail in the Application, pictures, and money (lol), then we're off to the races!  Their marketing team will spend approximately 2 weeks with us on creating 4 different web pages and our youtube videos.  During that time we'll also be able to jumpstart our homestudy (which will take about 6 weeks).  But the great news is, after the marketing portion is complete, we are officially on the web and are able to be matched with a birthmother immediately at that point.  So even though our homestudy is not yet complete, we are still marketable.  How great is that?!  So we could literally be matched with a birthmother as soon as mid-July (although the expected wait time is 4-6 months).  Either way, we are looking very seriously at bringing our baby home by Christmas.  Holy cow!!!

1 comment:

Elysia said...

I am so happy for you two! And I also am in love with that yellow nursery set...it is so beautiful and original! Love you!