September 21, 2011

On Hold Once Again

Okay, we're very sad to say that we've had to place our adoption on hold once again.  But very pleased to say that it's because the Lord has chosen to bless us with a child of our very own instead!  We are NOT foregoing the adoption altogether!  But we had to make a decision that was the most financially sound and we agreed that it would be a wiser decision to place a hold on the adoption right now and pick it back up after the baby is here.  By no means do we mean to stop the process at all!  We're far too invested (spiritually, financially, and emotionally), so we're just delaying it a bit longer.

Thank you for all your support over the years and we hope you will join us in celebrating our newest blessing!


Alida L. said...

I am absolutely overjoyed for you!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Even though I only know you from seeing you two at church, I am thrilled for the two of you! I came upon your blog a while back when you were making baby things! I know you both are BEYOND excited!

Beth Rozsa